Since we added the Worldwide section in March, GOV.UK has supported translation for world locations, world organisations, world location news articles, worldwide priorities, as well as publications and news stories. You can toggle to the translated version of content by selecting the name of the foreign language at the top right of the page.

We've now also made it possible to translate policies (like the policy on Afghanistan), people (like David Jones MP), roles (like the Secretary of State for Wales) or contacts (like details for getting in touch with the British Embassy Madrid). We hope that FCO and Wales Office will take advantage of this feature and add translations of content where it meets a user need.
Our analytics show that many translated pages are frequently used. The Chinese version of our Chinese location page is the most popular of all the translated worldwide locations, receiving 18,000 pageviews last month. In fact, it's the 5th most popular worldwide location page even when you include the English versions. It is closely followed by the Russian version of the Russia location page, then the Japanese and German versions of their world locations.
Comment by Ricky Leach posted on
That´s great news Alice. Some time ago we asked if it was possible to have translations of quicklinks from the country home page to priorities and so forth but were told this is not possible. if you are now offering more translated pages on more items in recognition that the pages are well used, are you planning to have the links connecting them translatable too?
Comment by Alice Newton posted on
Hi Ricky,
I agree that this is important - we'll enable translation for the top tasks links on world location pages soon.
Comment by Emmanuelle posted on
Great news indeed! Will it be possible soon to amend the titles of the Corporate information pages - which stay in EN even on the local language pages? What would also be great is to get a url with keywords rather than a chain of numbers when we publish local language only news items. This will help them be picked up by search engines. Many thanks from France!