Here's a 1 minute and 2 seconds round up of Inside Government features released in our last sprint.
Step back in time
If a user searches for a document published before 2010 on GOV.UK and can't find it, we now prompt them to have a look in The National Archives.

We've iterated the design of sub-orgs so that they look good even when there are no featured documents and so that they gracefully handle logos when there are multiple parent orgs. Have a look at Joint Forces Command.
Helpfully unpublished
Unpublish reasons can now accept markdown meaning that they can include links to other places that users might be interested in.

All the acronyms
Most government organisations have acronyms and now in most admin drop-downs where you are selecting an org you can use the org's acronym to find it.
Las últimas traducciones
We uploaded the latest batch of page labels translated by FCO for the Worldwide section.
More style
Embedded contact information has benefitted from some design love to more clearly differentiate it from body content. Embedded contacts are now also available in HTML publications.

We're behind you
We've added links to support resources in the admin dashboard, which should make it quicker and easier for you to check the product blog or remind yourself how to translate a document.