What we’re working on: 8 January 2016
...Agency (DVSA). We're looking at how we can reduce the number of people who go to their car or motorcycle practical test ill-prepared because they don't know what they need...
...Agency (DVSA). We're looking at how we can reduce the number of people who go to their car or motorcycle practical test ill-prepared because they don't know what they need...
...iforms to help users update their details online worked on user journeys to HMRC's personal tax account Improving GOV.UK Things we’ve done to improve GOV.UK in relation to the missions...
...rent property from 1 February 2016. we’ve also updated 3 pieces of mainstream content private renting, check tenant right to rent documents and penalties illegal renting and added a homepage...
...SaBRE, Horizon 2020 and 26 HM Tribunals (just courts left to go!) Mission: Content improvement themes alpha completed our Certificate of Professional Competence driver content improvement theme to improve the...
...other colleagues across government, we’ve also: enabled GDS content designers to create short ('friendly') URLs without the need for developer input fixed a bug that stopped the Whitehall publishing application...
...weeks we expect to: complete SaBrE and Planning inspectorate transitions complete our improvement work on Emergency travel documents content upgrade Ruby and Rails for the static app alert out of...
...to www.gov.uk/guidance/balancing-water-resources allow GDS editors to withdraw and redirect statistics announcements consistently send organisational data to Google Analytics for all pages display an unsupported browser warning message for publishing tools...
...keep the site accurate, available and secure, and to meet the most pressing needs of end users: made improvements to user journeys from GOV.UK to HMRC online services published updates...
A blog about running and improving the GOV.UK website, for anyone who is working on GOV.UK or interested in how the digital home of the UK government works. Written by the GOV.UK Team
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