We've recently published some draft guidance on how to request campaigns on GOV.UK. We'd like your help to make it better.
A clearer GOV.UK campaigns offer
The new draft guidance is based around the campaign offer and process signed off by the cross-departmental GOV.UK steering group last year (see GOV.UK and digital elements of comms campaigns).
We're revisiting and republicising this previous guidance because:
- not enough people knew it existed, and we wanted to provide a text (non-PDF) account of the guidelines
- we've been asked to provide more detail on what GOV.UK approvals board does, and what grounds for campaign site exemption are
- we'd like to set out how existing campaign sites are affected by the transition process
How you can help make the guidance better
We'd like our guidance - and the process it supports - to be as straightforward and transparent as possible. (For campaigns costing more than £100,000, we do this by integrating our procedures with the wider Cabinet Office spend control process.)
This version certainly won't be perfect, but hopefully it's a start. Please let us know what you think by commenting on this blogpost, or by emailing graham.francis@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk.
We'll aim to take the updated guidance to GOV.UK steering group next month (December 2013) - so please comment by 26 November if you'd like your comments considered as part of a final redraft.
Please bear in mind that right at the moment, we're concentrating more on clarifying the existing process and offer, than we are on reviewing the offer itself.
Comment by Judith Porter posted on
On points 5&6:
- it would help if more people within comms teams could submit a request for an early conversation with GDS (digital leader and SPOC)
- once a form is submitted, a named contact and telephone number at GDS would help progress a project
- it would help to know how long it will take to get a response once the form is submitted
On point 8
- could standard leadtimes be articulated for each of the tool's development
On point 11
- Suggest we slightly change wording - it's CO who will lead ERG and will consult with GDS colleagues
On point 12
- We should be clear that all spend under £100K needs to go through department internal controls
Comment by Graham Francis posted on
Thanks Judith - useful points all - we'll address these in the next draft.
Comment by liz hitchcock posted on
The guidance is now in the manual on content publishing: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/content-design/campaigns-on-gov-uk-standards-and-guidelines