This is a summary of what's changed in the content and publishing guidance over the last month. It's to help everyone stay up to date and understand why we've made changes.
How to publish on GOV.UK
We've made changes to the guidance for government editors and publishers about how to create and edit documents.
We have:
- added instructions on how to 'unwithdraw' content after it's been withdrawn - this is a new feature for managing editors
- added guidance on attachment file names - this is to make sure that there's a consistent approach to file names and that they're meaningful to users
- updated the guidance about access to Whitehall Publisher (used by departments and agencies) so it's clearer on how to request an account and what permissions the different types of account have
Style guide
We added 2 terms to the style guide:
- log book
- sat nav
These weren't in the style guide before, so content designers would refer to the Guardian style guide for them. This has both terms as single words (logbook and satnav).
However, search data shows most users search for them as 2 words. So we've added them to our style guide based on that.
Help us to make the guidance useful
Get in touch with us if you think that there's something that needs to be made clearer in the content and publishing guidance.
Let us know in the comments if you find this useful - if you do we'll try to make it a regular thing.