Rolling out simpler ways to navigate GOV.UK’s topic pages
Rolling out simpler ways to navigate GOV.UK’s topic pages
We’ve made improvements to GOV.UK’s topic pages. Here’s what we’ve done and the positive impact it’s making for users.
We’ve made improvements to GOV.UK’s topic pages. Here’s what we’ve done and the positive impact it’s making for users.
...up the Defence Council and Defence Board, and you can see that in action on their ‘Our governance’ page. It’s very early days for this feature. Future iterations are likely... [any random letters will do, but each combination will only work once] If it’s important that a new document appears all around the site the instant it is published,...
Lots of departments around government have been asking what we’re planning to do about consultations. We realised that we’ve been thinking so hard about it that we’ve not been telling...
...links and typos, will not be displayed. We released an early version of this on the Inside Gov beta back in March, and we’ve improved on it recently to cut...