The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. With the Wales Office’s move to GOV.UK imminent, we’ve been working on the ability to translate various bits of content across …
A couple of weeks back we made a substantial change to the document series format. Whereas previously you could only group publications and statistical datasets into series, now you can also add: consultations news articles case studies speeches detailed guides …
...facility. Liz has written these more detailed instructions on how to use it: What it’s for The bulk uploader lets you upload multiple files as attachments on a page. Acceptable...
...department, agency or NDPB) means that they have all the features of a standard org, except: they are not listed on the organisations page, and instead are listed at the...
...up the Defence Council and Defence Board, and you can see that in action on their ‘Our governance’ page. It’s very early days for this feature. Future iterations are likely...