What we’ve been working on: designing GOV.UK

You might have noticed that the design of GOV.UK hasn't changed much for a while. Or at least, not visibly.
Design Lead for GOV.UK
You might have noticed that the design of GOV.UK hasn't changed much for a while. Or at least, not visibly.
Recently a small team of us have been revisiting the GOV.UK navigation and search. We’re making lots of changes, big and small, to make moving around GOV.UK easier. This blog post is about the problems people have been having with …
A blog about running and improving the GOV.UK website, for anyone who is working on GOV.UK or interested in how the digital home of the UK government works. Written by the GOV.UK Team
GOV.UK is moving to be multi-channel. Learn more about our priorities by reading our strategy for growth.
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