An update on the GOV.UK taxonomy

We’ve made huge strides over the past year towards our vision of a single sitewide taxonomy that powers front end navigation. Find out what we've done and what's next.
We’ve made huge strides over the past year towards our vision of a single sitewide taxonomy that powers front end navigation. Find out what we've done and what's next.
We've been working on creating a single sitewide taxonomy for GOV.UK. Find out how what this means for people across government who publish content to GOV.UK.
...FCO for a kickoff. We explained why the tool is so difficult to update from a technical perspective and our FCO colleagues told us about their own challenges. Usually we...
A blog about running and improving the GOV.UK website, for anyone who is working on GOV.UK or interested in how the digital home of the UK government works. Written by the GOV.UK Team
GOV.UK is moving to be multi-channel. Learn more about our priorities by reading our strategy for growth.
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