Best practice
We're really impressed with departmental homepages at the moment. There's some very strong imagery being used, to help engage users and encourage them to explore further. In this post, we thought we'd feature some examples of best practice – and share …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. I'll tell you where you can stick your FOI reference numbers. It's right here, in this metadata field called "Unique reference":
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. We get asked this a lot. The answer is 500 Mb - which is way more than you should ever need, …
Anyone looking for a new 'go to example' of an HTML publication should check out DVLA's new business plan. We reckon it uses the features well and is pretty good...
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. There are a lot of publication pages on GOV.UK: over 40,000 at the last count. They look simple, but it can …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. We're bringing Inside Government content in line with mainstream on the...
There’s been a GDS team diligently working away improving search on GOV.UK. They’ve asked us to relay some important general advice to Whitehall publishers. They’ve come across several apparent duplicate results while testing site search, which are confusing users. There are two …
...previewed URLs because we do not rewrite those links automatically. For example: BOO HISS HURRAY Note that the correct link contains ‘admin’ and a number, as opposed to...
...Content which has been scheduled and published will appear all around the site simultaneously at the scheduled time – there won’t be a delay because of the cache. But what... lately. Here’s some new information about the stuff we haven’t yet told you about, and a re-cap of what we have. 1. All contact information should now be added...