Introducing GOV.UK’s new publishing strategy

We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
We’ve reduced the time and effort it takes to create content on GOV.UK by improving the pasting of formatted content. Here’s why and how we did it.
We’ve improved shareable previews which makes it easier for publishers on GOV.UK to share drafts of their work. Here’s why we did it and how.
A blog about running and improving the GOV.UK website, for anyone who is working on GOV.UK or interested in how the digital home of the UK government works. Written by the GOV.UK Team
GOV.UK is moving to be multi-channel. Learn more about our priorities by reading our strategy for growth.
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