We blogged recently about the changes we’re making to the browse pages on GOV.UK. This is part of the work we’re doing to make it easier to find things.
The next, small step is happening this week. The association (tag) currently called ‘Topics’ in Whitehall publisher will be renamed ‘Policy areas’.

These old topics are not the same as the topics and subtopics that were introduced last year; they’re a hangover from when we had the old-style policy pages, grouped into broader policy areas. The reason we still have them is that many of our email subscribers are signed up to receive alerts by topic area.
The options within the dropdown menu will not change.
'Topics' will also become 'Policy areas' at the front end eg on the dropdown menu on the publications index.
At some point we’ll get rid of the policy areas (ie what were topics) altogether. For now we need to rename them to avoid confusion later when we get rid of the option to tag to detailed guidance categories and rename the specialist sector tagging as ‘Topics’. (We’ll also move these options up to sit next to the other ‘Associations’.)

We’ll blog again when these further changes are imminent. For now, just remember that ‘Policy areas’ is the new name for the old ‘Topics’.