Introducing GOV.UK’s new publishing strategy

We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
The finding things taxonomy work has completed the first content audit. This involved editors from different organisations reviewing all the content about early years education and childcare provision (eg childminding). Here's how we got on.
We blogged recently about the changes we’re making to the browse pages on GOV.UK. This is part of the work we’re doing to make it easier to find things. The next, small step is happening this week. The association (tag) …
We often get asked how long it takes for content to appear on the GOV.UK site after it's been published in Whitehall publisher. Publishing times: when does content go 'live'? Always check our guidance on How to publish on GOV.UK for up-to-date …