The impact of removing jQuery on our web performance

In this blog post, we explain the technical details of removing the jQuery library from GOV.UK’s public facing applications and the performance impact it had for our users.
In this blog post, we explain the technical details of removing the jQuery library from GOV.UK’s public facing applications and the performance impact it had for our users.
We do a deep dive into what we've learned from the Real User Monitoring (RUM) data that we started collecting in June last year.
In this blog post we explain how Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives us an understanding of why a page is performing badly and how to fix it.
A blog about running and improving the GOV.UK website, for anyone who is working on GOV.UK or interested in how the digital home of the UK government works. Written by the GOV.UK Team
GOV.UK is moving to be multi-channel. Learn more about our priorities by reading our strategy for growth.
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