How we work
As important as it is to highlight the successes of GOV.UK, it's just as important that we discuss our mistakes. A little over a week ago we began receiving reports of attachments that were incorrectly ordered on the site, or …
A year ago today - at around 4am in fact - GOV.UK came out of beta, becoming the best place to find government services and information. Twelve months on, and we have 1000 publishers using the platform, six million visitors …
[A guest post from Anthony Simon, Head of Digital Communications for the Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet Office, about how GOV.UK has helped government communicate about major events] The Number 10 and Cabinet Office digital team plays an important role in driving …
Improving the effectiveness of detailed guides has been a priority of ours for some time now. In particular we've been working with departments to move the content that was either not meeting a clear user need or not guidance from …
There are 3 main reasons why smart answers, tools and calculators take longer to update than normal (what we call flat) content. They are often more complicated This isn’t to say that flat content isn’t complicated - translating complex tax …
In the last few weeks, we've been taking a look at how people browse and navigate GOV.UK. We've just made a start with some HTML prototypes and research in the usability lab.
We recently introduced a new iteration of the Child Benefit tax calculator on GOV.UK and I wanted to share how we got there. The core team I was part of a small multi-disciplinary team brought together to work on this …
I think one of the most frustrating things that a non-agile team would have to deal with when working with an agile team is the “backlog”. What does it mean when the mainstream team say to someone “we’ve added it …
...look into how we might make improvements to reduce the risk and impact of cache-based misadventures. After lots of thoughtful and thorough analysis (about which we will blog separately) we...
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. Historically, government websites didn't make life easy for historians. When departments...