Vision and plans
...the moment (that’s everyone in government creating content and publishing it to GOV.UK) helped make transition, and GOV.UK, happen. But things have moved on since then and it’s time to...
...reality and it requires a cross-government effort. We need your help! For our improvements to navigation and orientation we’ve: worked with Department for Education and agencies to provide the information...
On 10 October, we had the first of our GOV.UK quarterly showcase events. This is a new regular event to keep the people who most need to know informed about our performance, progress and plans. The session included: introductions from …
...Things and our education improvement theme - Holly Garrett, Product Manager Content operating model - our plan and user research findings - Trisha Doyle, Head of Content We’ll make sure...
Hello - I’m Natalie Baron, and in February this year I joined GDS as a user researcher. I was asked to look at what it’s like for people in departments and agencies to publish on GOV.UK.
...content operating model mission As we’re learning, we’re updating the goals in our roadmap. This work is laying the foundations for what we plan to focus on in the 2017...
...for how GDS and departments can begin working towards it from the 2017 to 2018 financial year. We hope to be working with early adopter departments/agencies on developing a roadmap...
...architecture Recently we’ve been focused on iterating the roadmap for the Publishing Platform. We’ve revisited our architectural goals, and planned our work again. We’re migrating all of our publishing applications...
In March we shared the vision for where GOV.UK is going. Since then we’ve been finessing plans for how we'll move towards that vision while continuing to run a reliable service in the 2016 to 17 financial year.
...consists of a number of applications (like Whitehall Publisher, Specialist Publisher and Travel Advice Publisher) that we want to consolidate. These applications were originally built to serve different needs. Travel...