In February, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) moved the now defunct UK Border Agency website to GOV.UK. Over the course of moving hundreds of sites, we have encountered all manner of glitches and problems so we have distilled what we …
Here's a glossary of technical terms you might come across during the transition to GOV.UK. AKA domain An ‘AKA domain’ creates a parallel version of a site (or domain) for our redirection software so we can check redirects are correct …
We’ve published a new GOV.UK transition guide for agencies and arm’s length bodies (AALBs), which describes the stages of transition, the main activities that are done at each point and the support Government Digital Service offers. The guide is the …
We love updating people about all the things we’re doing at GDS - and there’s so much to talk about! But here’s a round-up of useful blog posts focused on the needs of those leading the transition to GOV.UK in …
...the sentence will be at the beginning (passive sentences have the object at the beginning). For example: Active - ‘You should draw up safety policies and procedures for staff’ Passive...
“You have to really hold your nerve with this - if we do this as a community, we can make this really work.” Rachel Neaman, Digital Leader, Department of Health, set the tone for SPRINT GO with her keynote speech. …
GOV.UK has over 116,000 items of content in departmental and policy areas. It’s vital that each one of these meets a user need and doesn’t duplicate any other content item. Maintaining consistency across policies and departments is essential to earn users’ trust. …
For most questions you have during your transition, you'll need to contact your transition manager directly. Questions about how to publish content If you have a problem with using the publishing tool, first check the publisher manual. If you are …
The slides from the SPRINT GO workshops are now available. If you weren't able to make the event on 30 January, or want to refer back to the workshops, here are the full presentations. Agile for everyone, by Amy Wagner: …
Over the next few months a huge number of agencies and arms length bodies will move to GOV.UK and it’s our job to make sure all the old links to these sites continue to work. Sites like the Environment Agency …