The process of transition doesn’t end when a site moves to GOV.UK, in fact the days after switch-over are crucial. People use the Transition Tool for different tasks before and after a site moves. Before transition, it’s all about publishing …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. All content on GOV.UK should start with needs. Before creating a detailed guide, you must specify the user need. We've released …
Michael Lyons, a content designer at Defra, writes about finding a workaround for splitting tables containing multiple links in Whitehall Publisher. Creating tables in Whitehall Publisher can, initially at least, be vexing. Particularly as the markdown is (understandably) designed to …
Antony Hopker is Strategic Communications Manager at Education Funding Agency, which manages £54 billion of funding a year to support all state-provided education for 8 million children aged 3 to 16, and 1.6 million young people aged 16 to 19. We …
We blogged about our plans for HMRC manuals many months ago, and since then we’ve spoken to more users of the manuals and made minor changes to our designs. Now we’ve started work to put one full manual online in …
Working in sprints means we can respond quickly to changing priorities. This is vital when working on content for government. It also means that there’s no need for departments to send through content requests months in advance. There are 3 …
We’re hearing some concerns about how moving to GOV.UK will affect your visibility in search engines. In fact, we think many organisations are likely to benefit from the strength of the single government domain. GOV.UK’s status as a large, authoritative …
...policy content that sponsoring departments already have on the site, or by creating a new supporting page. Policy supporting pages (also called 'supporting detail') are where the department and, by...
Associate Product Manager John Turnbull sets out how we're getting GOV.UK ready for the thousands of specialists who will use the site after more than 300 government websites move to GOV.UK later this year. As Neil outlined in his blog post, …
A content designer looks at each content request coming in on a particular day (this happens on a rota system). For any specific content request they receive, they can: send it through to be scheduled for a detailed review and, …