Remote research: get insights from users in under a week
...mix of users, you can also include a couple of questions in the screener to help segment participants. For example, if you want a mix of frequent/infrequent users, ask how...
...mix of users, you can also include a couple of questions in the screener to help segment participants. For example, if you want a mix of frequent/infrequent users, ask how...
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. Our analytics guru Lana Gibson recently showed us how to improve our users’ experience by looking at what people were searching …
GDS places a lot of emphasis on user needs, and with good reason. Without knowing what our users’ needs are, how can we provide them with the right information and...
Earlier in the month, we introduced a feature to GOV.UK which allowed users to get a sneak preview of CSV files without having to download them. When we wrote about the change we promised to give you some early feedback …
The original vision for GOV.UK identified three broad user groups and until recently much of our energy has been spent on the first two, resulting in the 'Services and information' and 'Departments and policy' sections of the site. There is …
Back in October, Ben and Henry posted about planned changes to the Business and self-employed browse page. Testing revealed that on some things we achieved our goals - but in others we didn't, and we'll need to iterate further. So …
We looked at the analytics for topic pages recently, and noticed some issues that we wanted to address, including a relatively high bounce rate. Topics give an overview of government activity in a particular area, and provide a browse route …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. A simple ‘how-to’ guide on understanding basic page level metrics on GOV.UK. Use it to understand how your content is performing …
We posted last month (‘1 in 5 visits is from a mobile’) about the growth in traffic from mobile and tablet devices. We’ve started looking at how these devices are used through the day and for what they are used …
...for The Inside GOV.UK blog is the best place to find information on the latest site developments in the department and policy section of GOV.UK product developments. This sprint’s...