Introducing GOV.UK’s new publishing strategy

We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
We’ve launched a new strategy for the GOV.UK Publishing Service. Learn how our plans will make it easier and quicker for us to publish content and help GOV.UK become multi-channel.
This week we’re launching a new section of GOV.UK: ‘childcare and parenting’. It contains existing content, organised in a different way: based on user need. Right now, it looks very similar to the rest of mainstream browse, but this is …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. GOV.UK has different content areas that deal with different audiences and topics. One term we use a lot when talking about …