How we use Kanban on the GOV.UK Publishing Platform team

At GDS, we believe that self-organising teams create the best results. So we give each of our teams the autonomy to pick the delivery approach that works best for them.
At GDS, we believe that self-organising teams create the best results. So we give each of our teams the autonomy to pick the delivery approach that works best for them.
In the cross-government content community, we’ve been talking a lot about the crucial part content plays in coherent services. Helping colleagues from other disciplines understand the value of user-centred content is one of the goals of GOV.UK’s content operating model …
We’re trying to make it quicker to update content on GOV.UK. We’re doing this by talking to each other more when we write content, which is making our work better and cutting down the time our editing process takes.
We’ve found that several programs that read webpages for those with visual impairment read ‘eg’ incorrectly, so we’re updating the style guide. Most people who use these programs are used to their quirks, but it’s jarring to hear the wrong …
Getting the title of your content right is vital. When you get it right, users can find it and use it. When you get it wrong, it can really cause problems. 'unwithdraw' content after it's been withdrawn - this is a new feature for managing editors added guidance on attachment file names - this is to make sure that there's...
Over on Basecamp, government publishers often ask us for examples of good HTML publications (HTML pubs) on GOV.UK. Here are some we’ve come across that make good use of the format. Over time, we plan to make the HTML pub …
As of 6 April 2016, every dog in the UK must be fitted with a microchip - all 8 million of them. Currently around 60% of them are sporting ‘chips. Not a bad start, but that’s still a significant number …
In the GOV.UK content team we spend 20% of our time on ‘improvement themes’ where we iterate content based on data and user feedback. We identify content that needs improving by working with performance analysts, user researchers and analysing feedback …
...about using your own car for the test was So we've made the URLs shorter and more memorable. The guide is now at, and the part about using...