Rethinking the GOV.UK policy format: what our users told us

We're changing the policy format to better meet users' needs and get people to what they need faster.
We're changing the policy format to better meet users' needs and get people to what they need faster.
...departments and policy section of GOV.UK, one weekend my delivery manager Pete unilaterally deleted the backlog I had lovingly groomed. I was furious for weeks, but it turned out to...
The Product analysts are changing their name to Performance analysts. Why? As well as ‘Product analyst’, we're called a number of other names, most of which don't really describe what we do. The Service Manual calls our role Performance analyst …
As we transition more organisations and their related content onto GOV.UK we increase the likelihood of returning lower quality results to our users. This blog post outlines one approach we are looking at called scoped search, or automatic filtering, to …
We’ve previously blogged about how we’ve been using Tableau to see how users look at departments and policy content on GOV.UK. We mentioned we wanted to make data more available to digital publishing teams, so we’re really excited to share …
...GOV.UK may find it interesting to read too. Download the roadmap itself Download the July roadmap document here. For the past 2 months, we've issued the roadmap among the papers...
This week we publish a consolidated proposition for GOV.UK in alpha form. We hope that this will help make it clearer which content and services are in scope for GOV.UK, and which are not. This post talks about how we …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. We’re often asked, ‘how does search work?’ Site search is quite a big topic, but what people usually want to know …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. GOV.UK has different content areas that deal with different audiences and topics. One term we use a lot when talking about …
On Monday 7th April, late night UK time, a serious bug was disclosed in the OpenSSL software that we (and a great many others) use to secure our websites. The bug was such that it was theoretically possible for third parties …