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What we're working on

This sprint for sorting documents in collections, publisher improvements and more

Here are the most significant things we'll be working on in the government section of GOV.UK in this sprint: Translating contact details. We're going to make contact details on organisation pages (in particular Wales Office) and Worldwide office pages (embassies …

Coming in this sprint: featuring on topics, changes to HTML publications and more

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We're a few days into the current sprint. Here's a summary of the improvements you can expect to the departments and policy section and the devolved government publisher. Bug squashing. We've dedicated half a day of each developer's time this …

Sprint plan for 3rd-17th September

Here are some of the biggest things we're working on in the GOV.UK government team this sprint: Allow multiple HTML documents on one publication: before now, HTML documents behaved differently from other attachments on a publication page. You couldn't order …

Themes for this sprint (23 July to 6 Aug)

This fortnight, the sprint themes for the government section are going to be…. 1. Preparing for all ALB consultations to be on GOV.UK GDS and departments have agreed, in consultation with the Consultation Principles Review team, that all central government …