What we're working on
Here are the most significant things we'll be working on in the government section of GOV.UK in this sprint: Translating contact details. We're going to make contact details on organisation pages (in particular Wales Office) and Worldwide office pages (embassies …
We're a few days into the current sprint. Here's a summary of the improvements you can expect to the departments and policy section and the devolved government publisher. Bug squashing. We've dedicated half a day of each developer's time this …
Here are some of the biggest things we're working on in the GOV.UK government team this sprint: Allow multiple HTML documents on one publication: before now, HTML documents behaved differently from other attachments on a publication page. You couldn't order …
We're a few days into the current sprint on the government team, which started on 7th August. Between now and the 20th, we'll be making progress on: Significant evolution of document series: the way you add documents to a series is …
This fortnight, the sprint themes for the government section are going to be…. 1. Preparing for all ALB consultations to be on GOV.UK GDS and departments have agreed, in consultation with the Consultation Principles Review team, that all central government …
Here's a 1 minute and 2 seconds round up of Inside Government features released in our last sprint. Step back in time If a user searches for a document published before 2010 on GOV.UK and can't find it, we now …
On the GOV.UK government team we're switching to two-week sprints as of tomorrow, Wednesday 3 July. Sprinting for a week at a time made sense while we were in the thick of transitioning the 24 departments. (In reality, we weren't …
Despite the best of intentions, we didn’t make as much progress on the transition tool last week aswe hoped. Overspill from the previous sprint plus a couple of urgent things that came up during the week pushed the transition tool …
Yesterday was the start of a new sprint. (We plan our work in weekly sprints, which run from Wednesday to Tuesday). The theme of this week’s sprint is transition prep. Bar a handful of other stories (eg to fix a …