Sprint plan for 7-20 August
...to overwrite existing attachments with the same filename; fixes for Welsh language translation of the Wales Office homepage, among other things As ever, you can see the stories for yourself...
...to overwrite existing attachments with the same filename; fixes for Welsh language translation of the Wales Office homepage, among other things As ever, you can see the stories for yourself...
This fortnight, the sprint themes for the government section are going to be…. 1. Preparing for all ALB consultations to be on GOV.UK GDS and departments have agreed, in consultation with the Consultation Principles Review team, that all central government …
...reasons, and alternative destinations All the acronyms Most government organisations have acronyms and now in most admin drop-downs where you are selecting an org you can use the org's acronym...
On the GOV.UK government team we're switching to two-week sprints as of tomorrow, Wednesday 3 July. Sprinting for a week at a time made sense while we were in the...
...Gov on other parts of GOV.UK, like the travel alerts service. Knowing when the office is open is usually helpful to people before they rock up there. Cleaned up a...
...this: Currently this is just a view of the data. The work for this week includes beginning to get data into the tool automatically and enabling organisations to edit it....