Working with us
...about using your own car for the test was So we've made the URLs shorter and more memorable. The guide is now at, and the part about using...
...a better description for what we do than 'proposition managers'. Second, in response to a number of requests, we’ve created a new inbox for GOV.UK enquiries. It’s the place to...
Guest post from Dave Hallworth, Managing Editor at the Department for Education (DfE), and Jeni Pitkin, Digital Content Officer at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). In January 2015 we went to the GDS Content Design Conference. This …
This post is part of a series. See the introduction here: New normal, new teams, new goals We’re restructuring the teams in our product group to reflect the new normal for GOV.UK. This post explains why we’re making changes, what …
GOV.UK has done some significant things to improve the content that government publishes.
In 2 years GOV.UK has changed a lot. However, the campaign format (as used for the fire kills campaign) hasn’t seen the same improvement as other areas. So we launched a discovery phase earlier this year to understand more about …
We've published a new policy about when content on GOV.UK should be withdrawn and, more importantly, when it should not.
...wishlist included: better tables, eg adding table editor more flexibility with numbered points the top publication header to be more response to the scale of documents to reduce the size...
...comply with open standards Better for search There’s so much great metadata in HTML publications. We should, of course, make sure that PDFs we publish have this same metadata, but...
At last week's Content Design Conference a few of us huddled around a table at Impact Hub Westminster to talk about one of my favourite things: the future.