Making it quicker and easier to search on GOV.UK
Making it quicker and easier to search on GOV.UK
We’ve made some changes to the interface of site search on GOV.UK to create a simpler, more user-friendly experience.
We’ve made some changes to the interface of site search on GOV.UK to create a simpler, more user-friendly experience.
Here are the most significant things we’re working on in the government section of GOV.UK in this sprint: Finishing off work on document series to become collections. This will be shipped today, making the workflow on collections (formerly known as …
A year ago today - at around 4am in fact - GOV.UK came out of beta, becoming the best place to find government services and information. Twelve months on, and we have 1000 publishers using the platform, six million visitors …
GOV.UK celebrates its first birthday today. We’ve written about some of the most interesting data we’ve seen this year in the run-up. GOV.UK averages over 6 million unique visitors per week and over 9 million visits. That’s twice as many …
Back in August, Tom Loosemore wrote about some A/B testing we've been doing alongside colleagues from the NHS, Department for Transport, Department for Health and the Behavioural Insights Team from the Cabinet Office. We wanted to learn how GOV.UK might …
This round-up provides links to blog posts and other tools that are particularly useful during transition. James Thornett (Head of Product Management) wrote about the transition team’s work and how we’re meeting the needs of new audiences. Mapping how users …
GOV.UK celebrates its first birthday on Thursday. We’ll be writing about some of the most interesting data we’ve seen this year in the run-up. Visitors normally come to GOV.UK to get things done or find out information to help with …
The ability to feature content on topic pages is now available. It was deployed to production early last week. We're keen to see the impact this change will have on bounce rates on topic pages. User research and analytics tell us …
[A guest post from Anthony Simon, Head of Digital Communications for the Prime Minister's Office and Cabinet Office, about how GOV.UK has helped government communicate about major events] The Number 10 and Cabinet Office digital team plays an important role in driving …
GOV.UK celebrates its first birthday on Thursday. We'll be writing about some of the most interesting data we've seen this year in the run-up. 1 in 5 visits to GOV.UK are made on a mobile phone - that’s a third …
Over the past week, there’s been a huge amount of media interest in the sale of Royal Mail shares. We’ve seen this trend reflected in high numbers of visits to GOV.UK - in fact, at times, almost one in three …