It was 35 degrees on the day I started at the Treasury. Greece was in crisis and the Chancellor’s Summer Budget was 7 days away. The atmosphere was intense. I went there to draft the Budget news story and to …
June and July are the peak times for publishing official documents, particularly annual reports and accounts. You must publish all official documents on GOV.UK - even if you’re an exempt agency (one that doesn’t normally publish on GOV.UK). This process …
On 19 May 2015, we held a content clinic at the Department for Education, with 15 editors from 8 organisations. Quantitative content analysis To start, Jonathan Richardson spoke about Defra’s smarter guidance programme, and how he’s built a tool to …
GOV.UK is the new home of HMRC information since we completed transition of all government agencies and arms-length bodies in December 2014. This means that millions of users now come to GOV.UK for information about Self Assessment tax returns. This …
This is the first election for which the UK has a single government domain. Here's how we're making it clear what was published under previous governments.
At the most recent content clinic we tried out a new format - an ‘unconference’. Everyone suggested what they wanted to talk about and then we voted. The most popular topics were: how can reviewers see a preview of HTML …
We've published a new policy about when content on GOV.UK should be withdrawn and, more importantly, when it should not.
...been done in the week, and what’s coming up next week. Manuals We talked about the new manuals format and showed off this great example from the Department for Education...
We're changing the policy format to better meet users' needs and get people to what they need faster.
...wishlist included: better tables, eg adding table editor more flexibility with numbered points the top publication header to be more response to the scale of documents to reduce the size...