Consolidating our content templates
Our team is here to simplify the GOV.UK frontend architecture and design, so that it’s simpler and faster for us to iterate, making way for exciting improvements in the future.
Our team is here to simplify the GOV.UK frontend architecture and design, so that it’s simpler and faster for us to iterate, making way for exciting improvements in the future.
...In some of the research interviews, I’ve heard content designers compare themselves to expert negotiators: they’re seen as GDS in their department, but held responsible for their department by GDS.Right...
Where do you start when doing a discovery into so much content? We had 6 weeks to sensibly review and make recommendations about GOV.UK content for international users - not an easy task when GOV.UK has thousands of pages.
Checking someone’s criminal record isn’t straightforward. In some cases, employers must check someone’s criminal record, but in others it’s a criminal offence to request a check.
Some of the content designers at GDS have recently worked on making GOV.UK mainstream pensions content clearer, reducing duplication and improving user journeys. This work’s been informed by research about retirement carried out by the GDS service team, plus research by …
The Finding Things team have completed their mission to rebuild and simplify GOV.UK’s tagging infrastructure!
One part of the Content Tools team mission is to help content designers within GDS be more effective at what they do. To make marginal gains in a variety of areas that collectively add up to a lot. The following …
We’re the international content discovery team, our 6-week mission, to boldly go where some people have gone before, finding international users’ needs. Camped out on the seventh floor at Aviation House, with vaguely international-themed bunting, we have spent the last …
We’re now on our fourth content conference, and we learn each time we run them. For the first time, we had more presenters from outside GDS than inside GDS. That’s important because the content community is far broader than GDS. …
It’s been a while since we last blogged about how the GOV.UK content team is structured. Our 2015 post about changes to the content design team explained we created 4 teams in order to develop knowledge in a subject areas and …