How we work
GOV.UK is a busy programme. Every fortnight, we in the programme team check in with our teams to find out what they’ve been up to, what their blockers are, and what they need from us.
...example, lots of GOV.UK’s work in the next financial year is tied into expanding the content operating model work over the coming years so that it’s easier for users to...
Teams at GDS are free to pick the processes and tools that work for them. On the GOV.UK Publishing Platform, our Kanban process is supported by Trello.
At GDS, we believe that self-organising teams create the best results. So we give each of our teams the autonomy to pick the delivery approach that works best for them.
We’re trying to make it quicker to update content on GOV.UK. We’re doing this by talking to each other more when we write content, which is making our work better and cutting down the time our editing process takes.
We’re Ronni Taylor and Phil Hogg and we’re both HMRC content designers. We usually work in HMRC’s Manchester Digital Design Centre but for 2 weeks in August we moved down south to work alongside our GDS colleagues in London. It’s …
It's been a while since I've done one of these posts about other posts. So as it's Christmas, here's a list of things written by other people. They are interesting, I promise. I've been involved in building from the ground up, so it was a proud moment to see it come to fruition. I'm looking forward to delivering further iterations and...
It’s been a while since we last blogged about how the GOV.UK content team is structured. Our 2015 post about changes to the content design team explained we created 4 teams in order to develop knowledge in a subject areas and …
Here’s an example of how a multi-disciplinary team of user researchers, performance analysts, content designers and developers work together to improve the user experience on GOV.UK.