Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. Reports can be created in any standard Google Analytics report. To monitor changes in traffic to individual pages use the All …
New 'force publish' tracking As most of you are now probably aware, there is a new prompt when anyone force publishes content. This feature (which went live as last week's...
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. We're bringing Inside Government content in line with mainstream on the...
...Gov on other parts of GOV.UK, like the travel alerts service. Knowing when the office is open is usually helpful to people before they rock up there. Cleaned up a...
The improved GOV.UK site search has been up for a few days now. It makes things better for users by headlining the top 3 search results, then showing the rest...
...this: Currently this is just a view of the data. The work for this week includes beginning to get data into the tool automatically and enabling organisations to edit it....
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. Translated editions of documents have been a feature of Whitehall for...
There’s been a GDS team diligently working away improving search on GOV.UK. They’ve asked us to relay some important general advice to Whitehall publishers. They’ve come across several apparent duplicate results while testing site search, which are confusing users. There are two …
Inserting contacts into pages just got lots easier. Instead of going to the organisation admin and copying the contact reference markdown to your clipboard, you can now just start typing...
We wrote here last week about the plans for the GOV.UK blogs platform and how to get one. Alongside the technical work being done by dxw, we asked Steph Gray of Helpful Technology to talk to nine ministerial departments with blog platforms to identify the …