Product changes
Why is the topic taxonomy important? We want users to be able to find related content across government about a particular topic via a single browse structure. This is central to the vision for improving navigation on GOV.UK, as Ben …
As Neil explained in the GOV.UK 3rd birthday post, we’re focused on 2 main priorities for the rest of this financial year.
One of the biggest frustrations users sometimes have with GOV.UK is the difficulty of finding what they need - and discovering what they don’t yet know they need - through site search and navigation.
A detailed guide is a content type used for answering specific, task-oriented user needs or providing advice to specialist or professional audiences. There are more than 4,000 detailed guides published on GOV.UK, on topics ranging from calculating your school milk …
Editors often want to be able to preview their content as it will appear on the site, before making it live. Some of our publishing tools support this – for example Whitehall Publisher – but they’re not very consistent, and many …
This week we’re launching a new section of GOV.UK: ‘childcare and parenting’. It contains existing content, organised in a different way: based on user need. Right now, it looks very similar to the rest of mainstream browse, but this is …
Following on from the recent trio of posts in which we talked about the operating context, team structure and goals for GOV.UK in 2015 to 2016, we’ve now completed the...
We blogged recently about the changes we’re making to the browse pages on GOV.UK. This is part of the work we’re doing to make it easier to find things. The next, small step is happening this week. The association (tag) …
At the bottom of most pages on GOV.UK, we ask ‘Is there anything wrong with this page?’. We collect the responses anonymously, in our Feedback explorer tool, sometimes called Feedex. These responses help content designers and publishers fix what’s wrong …
This is an update on some work we’re doing to make it easier to find things on GOV.UK. As explained in the previous post, part of the solution to help users find what they need is to reduce the number …