Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
I’ve been looking at the analytics for document series pages, particularly the distribution of pages, how users were getting to them and where they were going next. This is because, as we wrote recently, the product team are working on …
Publications, news articles and other documents in the government section can now be tagged directly to relevant topics, instead of the topic being inferred automatically via policies. This is a significant change, so publishers in government organisations may want to …
...look into how we might make improvements to reduce the risk and impact of cache-based misadventures. After lots of thoughtful and thorough analysis (about which we will blog separately) we...
Usually, users want to see the latest and most up to date information on a given policy, announcement, consultation etc. But they may also want to know how it has changed. We have this information, because our publishing tool requires …
On 23 July, GOV.UK released the latest version of its homepage: As Stephen McCarthy explained in his post, this revision followed the move of many more organisations to GOV.UK. We wanted to help users find information from government departments more …
Yesterday's release included a new feature to let publishers know the status of uploaded files while they are scanned for viruses. When publishers attach a file to a document, they...
I am a member of the GOV.UK User Support team, responsible for improving the [government-only] support form (found at Back in April, we described the process for removing content from the frontend. To make this process easier, we have now added … overwrite existing attachments with the same filename; fixes for Welsh language translation of the Wales Office homepage, among other things As ever, you can see the stories for yourself...
We keep hearing from our editors that you'd like a more flexible document series. At the moment, you can add a title and a summary to a document series, but the documents themselves are automatically grouped by content type and …
The information in this blogpost may now be out of date. See the current GOV.UK content and publishing guidance. Historically, government websites didn't make life easy for historians. When departments...