Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
Creating the GOV.UK Publishing Design Guide
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
We’ve improved how we work at GOV.UK by creating a new design resource for our teams. Here’s why and how we did it.
We're changing the policy format to better meet users' needs and get people to what they need faster. make them more user-friendly and bring them in line with GDS design principles. Between the backend and frontend sits the newly developed “write API” that allows HMRC editors to...
...priority) readying the site for the election making it easier for users to find things through site search and navigation making the publishing software simpler and more flexible The April...
“We’re going to split you into groups and get you to do the work.” Words that strike fear into the hearts of conference-goers everywhere, but the delegates at the GDS Content Design Conference were equal to the task.
...departments and policy section of GOV.UK, one weekend my delivery manager Pete unilaterally deleted the backlog I had lovingly groomed. I was furious for weeks, but it turned out to...
...databases simplified the code for finders and integrated them with the new publishing pipeline refactored the layout of all mainstream formats to use the new responsive grid system and addressed...
...wishlist included: better tables, eg adding table editor more flexibility with numbered points the top publication header to be more response to the scale of documents to reduce the size...
...comply with open standards Better for search There’s so much great metadata in HTML publications. We should, of course, make sure that PDFs we publish have this same metadata, but...
At last week's Content Design Conference a few of us huddled around a table at Impact Hub Westminster to talk about one of my favourite things: the future.
...and process improvements On the tech and process side, we plan to: trial the idea of creating 1-page vision statements per product area to communicate the direction of travel more...